We entered a new millennium a few years ago, and new and better opportunities for network marketers came right along with it. If you want to develop a successful network marketing business, the most important thing you can do is to learn how to be a leader. To develop a truly successful organization, you need to be an enthusiastic leader and keep the momentum going in your group.
Effective leaders will courageously accept responsibility and have the dedication to develop an atmosphere of enthusiasm and fulfilled dreams along a road to victory that people will happily follow. Courageous enthusiastic leaders think outside the box and are willing to do things in new ways. They attract success and encourage others to join them by showing them the awesome opportunities available in network marketing. They know that they are accountable for teaching and supporting their teams as well as for giving them the tools to meet challenges that they may encounter. However, each team member is ultimately responsible for his/her own success or failure. Responsible leaders will teach and encourage their teams to be successful but will not take over and do the work for them.
Good leaders are dedicated to their businesses, to their people and to success for each one. They do what needs to be done regardless of the unpleasantness of the task, and their downlines will learn from their examples. Leaders welcome the chance to help people change their lives for the better by assisting them to meet their goals and dreams. Leaders establish an atmosphere of enthusiasm and excitement, and the atmosphere they establish in their organizations determines whether they will grow, stand still or die.
Leaders who establish hopeful, enthusiastic atmospheres and demonstrate their dedication and helpfulness will attract the same type of people to their organizations. People are attracted to leaders who show strength of character and charisma. People want to follow someone whom they feel they can trust to lead them to success. They want to join someone who makes them believe in themselves and that success is not only possible, but also probable.
Leaders teach their team members to expect to be successful and clearly outline each step of the process on the road to victory. They will teach their people not to choose to be successful, but to decide to be successful. They will encourage their downline and praise them for small achievements, and when their distributors are commended for small achievements, they will be encouraged to accomplish amazing triumphs.
To become an effective leader, you must first observe personal leadership habits yourself. If you want others to be courageous, dedicated, disciplined and charismatic, you must lead them by your own example.
Even if you are a born leader, you will gain valuable knowledge and develop and strengthen your leadership abilities through intensive study or with help from an experienced mentor. There are many sources of help available, such as books, seminars, conference calls and your own upline. It will be worth the extra effort to become the best leader that you can be so you can pass your knowledge on to your own business builders and develop an amazingly successful organization.
Robert Butwin is a natural coach and author of the book Street Smart Networking, first published in 1994 to share his success secrets with others.
Monday, August 2, 2010
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